… than other payday loan companies. I would s definitely recommend Check 'n Go over other Payday Loan companies who charge 400% or higher. Check 'n Go interest rates …
My experience at check n go was great customer service mickayla.
They are super friendly and the nicest people!!!!!!
Good customer service & flexible.
They also advised its not uncommon for drivers to wait 2-3 days for a load.
Horrible place to get live loaded.
Each time they have provided excellent friendly customer service.
It’s used and it’s been paid for over and over by other poor customers!!!
My experience at check n go was great customer service mickayla.
They are super friendly and the nicest people!!!!!!
Michaela was the sweetest and most helpful loan officer I have ever dealt with.
Please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you with 1-2 business days.